SoilWater Ltd is a UK registered science innovation company.

SWL is part of a global ESG network of SME science and technical companies, academia, NGO, commercial companies, corporations and farmers. All working to enact immediate solutions and develop the next generation of technologies needed to meet environment and socio-economic ‘Net-Zero’ targets.
Direct Action Sales product:
Rescaype® helps land managers, farmers and plant breeder growers increase revenues, whilst lowering environmental impact and meet new sustainability legislation around soil health and resulting water run-off quality (unlike the existing large crystal hydrogels sold by others today).
Rescaype is unique and is produced by significantly reducing an existing food grade, biodegradable, man made crystal down to only 50 microns (from 4,000 microns). The scale of reduction fundamentally gives it greater surface area for precision use and is proven to improve the chemistry soil health index and water quality discharge. The outcome is reduced soil erosion, diffuse pollution and increasing yields for farmers.