Innovate UK EDGE are a support programme for SMEs, enabling innovative businesses to benefit from the expertise and facilities provided by RTOs and Catapults.
What does Innovate UK EDGE do?
Innovate UK Edge are part of the UK Innovation Agency, aiming to help ambitious SME's grow and scale their technologies. They have three key support areas which include: exploit business innovation, source funding and finance, and enter new markets. They provide access to grants to work with Catapults, a network of technology and innovation centres, and RTOs, which are specialist not-for-profit knowledge organisations. Any SME that wants to apply for a grant must be an Innovate UK EDGE supported business. Successful applicants with a suitable project will be offered a grant for 100% of eligible costs up to a maximum of £15,000.
How is Innovate UK EDGE linked to NIAB?
NIAB are now on the list of recruited RTO's, meaning any Innovate UK EDGE supported business can apply for funding to complete projects with NIAB. These projects can involve exploring and testing new product ideas, and seeking NIAB technical expertise. Barn4 at NIAB provides the facilities and support for start-up companies in agri-tech meaning it is the perfect place for agri-tech SMEs to complete projects collaboratively with NIAB.

Click the link below to learn more about Innovate UK EDGE.