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Barn4's one year anniversary!

Writer's picture: Barn4Barn4

1st March 2021 was a historic day for NIAB with its newly developed agritech incubator Barn4 opening for the first time. Since then our agritech community has grown to include 20 members! To celebrate our 1st birthday we have put together a summary of key events over the past year.

March 2021:

Barn4 officially opened in March 2021. Before Barn4 opened its doors, Piatrika Biosystems became one of the first Premium members. During March we welcomed three more members to our agritech community: Mantle Labs, Gardin, and Airponix.

April 2021:

Barn4 launched the Germination Programme, offering support to small teams at the concept stage of developing an agritech venture. Successful applicants are offered support and advice from NIAB and Barn4, as well as a free virtual membership. We hosted our first Barn4 virtual social, providing great opportunities for members and non-members to network and interact with NIAB staff members.

May 2021:

We welcomed WeedBot as a virtual member and we signed our first successful Germination Programme applicant, Aero Agriculture. Sam Clayton from AgRecruit joined us for our lunchtime social, talking to attendees about candidate attraction, and NIAB's Ros Lloyd spoke about the events landscape.

June 2021:

Rescaype joined as a virtual member and Airponix installed their system into one of NIAB's Park Farm glasshouses. June's lunchtime social focused on what members would like to receive from Barn4.

July 2021: SAWiE, Just Soil, and Lambda Energy all joined as virtual members, plus PES Technologies joined as a Premium member. Attendees to July's lunchtime social heard from IP and patents law firm Gill Jennings & Every.

August 2021: QuickTrials and Antobot joined as virtual members. For the August social, Inmarsat and MinFarm Tech joined the call to discuss their partnership and satellite project.

September 2021: Agreed joined the Germination Programme. September's lunchtime social focused on pitching, with members presenting their one minute 'elevator' pitch to the rest of the agritech community.

October 2021: AgriSynth joined as a virtual member in October. Julie Pauley from UKRI spoke at our monthly social, providing an overview of Innovate UK EDGE and the available catapult/RTO grants.

November 2021: This month, Barn4 gained a new Premium member, Aceae Nutra, and a new Germination member, Petiole. The social theme was a general Q&A session for members and guest attendees.

December 2021: Croptimise joined the Germination Programme, and for the monthly social, we held a 'Christmas wishlist' theme, discussing what tech the agriculture industry needs as we head into 2022.

January 2022: This month, Barn4 gained a new Premium member, Njorth Bio_Science, and a new Virtual member, Kyomei.

February 2022: This month marked the first Barn4 social of 2022. The theme was “Ask an agronomist” where attendees had the opportunity to ask questions to NIAB's Southern Regional Agronomist, Dr Syed Shah.

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